Erin M. Jacobson, Esq. speaking at 2017 Taxi Road Rally

IAR Owner and Founder, Erin M. Jacobson, Esq. will be speaking at the 2017 Taxi Road Rally, November 3-4, 2017! Here is her schedule: Friday, November 3, 2017 from 2:45-4:15 pm / La Guardia Room (Mezzanine Level / 2nd Floor) Don’t Get Screwed! How to Protect Yourself as an Independent Musician with Erin…

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Don’t Get Screwed Over : 3 Scenarios Where a Handshake Deal Isn’t Enough

Musicians often ask me when they need to “get it in writing” as opposed to just having a verbal agreement or handshake deal. The real answer to that question is that you should always get agreements in writing, but there are three frequently occurring scenarios where it’s essential. Doing so will provide you with much…

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Key Clauses in Management Agreements Part 4: Key Man Clauses

In the last set of articles regarding management agreements, I have explained the term, commissions, and sunset commissions. In this article, I will explain what is known in the industry as the “key man clause.” What happens if you sign with a management company and then your manager leaves the company? What if…

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Key Clauses in Management Agreements Part 3: Sunset Commissions

By:  Erin M. Jacobson, Esq. Last time I discussed commissions in management agreements, but what may be a surprise is that management agreements often also have another kind of commission involved – one that remains after the term of the agreement is long over and the manager and artist are no…

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Key Clauses in Management Agreements Part 2: Commissions

In a recent article I explained the term of a management agreement, and in this article I’ll discuss management commissions; arguably the other most important clause of a management agreement. The commission is the amount of money the artist will pay the manager under the contract. This is usually done as…

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Key Clauses in Management Agreements Part 1: Term

The artist-manager relationship is one of the most important relationships in an artist’s career. The manager has to “get” the artist and the artist’s artistic vision, but also needs to have the knowledge on how to translate that vision into something that will generate mass appeal and profits. The manager…

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How Much Should an Attorney Cost?

  By:  Erin M. Jacobson, Esq. Image courtesy of Ambro at An attorney’s advice could make the difference for you between a successful and a nonexistent music career. Legal fees aren’t cheap, but they’re a worthy expense in your career progress. The cost of attorneys does vary due to a variety…

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What Does “In Perpetuity” Mean?

There are certain contract terms that come up regularly in music and entertainment contracts and people often ask me what these common terms mean. One of the most common is the phrase “in perpetuity.” According to Black’s Law Dictionary, the definition of “in perpetuity” is “… that a thing is forever…

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